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Ideogram AI Prompt提示词 A close-up illustration of a ghost and skeleton with a flowing mane, clutching their faces and screaming, mouth open. The ghost has large, beautiful eyes and an exaggerated facial expression. The skeleton is wearing a tattered robe. The background is a haunted mansion with a full moon. The text "Halloween's coming soon." is written above the ghost and skeleton. 中文大意:这是一张特写插图,描绘了一个幽灵和鬃毛流动的骷髅,他们捂着脸,张着嘴尖叫。鬼魂有一双美丽的大眼睛和夸张的面部表情。骷髅穿着一件破烂的长袍。背景是一座满月闹鬼的豪宅。文本“万圣节即将到来。”写在鬼魂和骷髅上面。 |