Ideogram AI中国官网 - AI让绘画更有创意

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一、Ideogram AI简介

Ideogram AI 是一款基于先进人工智能技术的文字生成图像工具,特别为创意工作者、设计师、内容创作者和品牌开发者提供便捷的图像生成服务。与传统的AI绘画工具不同,Ideogram AI 的独特之处在于它对文字细节的敏锐理解,能够将复杂的文字和情感细腻地转化为视觉作品。通过简单的文本描述,用户可以生成高分辨率、富有表现力的图像,适用于艺术设计、插画、广告创意等多个领域。Ideogram AI 的用户界面直观,任何人都可以轻松上手操作,只需几行文字描述便能得到精美的图像。

Ideogram AI 的生成效果不仅限于常规绘画风格,更能够捕捉并展现出文字中的意境、情感和风格特征。用户在生成图片的过程中,可以根据需求设定风格、色调、细节和构图,以适应不同的应用场景。该平台对细节的处理精细,图像呈现层次感强、构图自然。无论是极具细腻纹理的写实风格,还是鲜明的抽象风格,Ideogram AI 都能游刃有余。

Ideogram AI 的推出为众多创作者带来了全新的创作方式,打破了传统的创意限制,不仅节省了制作时间,还增加了创意的多样性。通过Ideogram AI,用户可以快速实现创意想法,轻松生成各种风格的艺术作品。平台不断更新算法,提升生成的精度和速度,使得创意工作者始终能体验到最新的AI图像生成技术。

二、Ideogram AI的主要功能

Ideogram AI 提供了丰富的功能,涵盖了从基本的图像生成到高级风格和细节的个性化控制。首先,Ideogram AI 的文本到图像生成功能十分强大,用户可以直接输入文字描述,通过AI生成对应的图像。用户不需要具备复杂的绘画知识,只需输入详细的描述便可以快速生成高质量的图像,这一功能在创意创作和设计工作中提供了极大的便利。

其次,Ideogram AI 提供多种艺术风格选择,无论是复古、未来科技风,还是鲜艳的波普风、抽象主义等,都可以一键实现。用户还可以进一步控制图像的细节,包括颜色、光影、构图和质感,从而生成符合特定需求的图片。Ideogram AI 支持生成的图像质量调整,用户可以选择生成高清图像或更适合快速预览的低分辨率图像。

此外,Ideogram AI 还支持图像重构和改图功能。用户可以上传自己的图片,利用AI技术对图片进行风格转换、重构或再创作,这一功能让用户可以在现有作品的基础上创造出全新的效果。Ideogram AI 的社区也提供了一个分享和交流的平台,用户可以在社区中展示自己的作品、获取灵感并交流创作经验,从而形成一个创意与AI技术相融合的氛围。

三、Ideogram AI的发展历程

自从 Ideogram AI 发布以来,其发展历程见证了 AI 生成图像技术的迅速进步。最初的 Ideogram AI 仅支持简单的文本生成图像,但随着AI技术的进化和用户需求的不断增加,团队不断优化了算法和模型,使得生成速度和图像质量得到了显著提升。Ideogram AI 逐渐从一个简单的工具演变为一个全面的创意生成平台,用户可以自由地在不同风格、不同用途的图像之间切换。

在 Ideogram AI 的早期阶段,平台主要以试验性质的功能吸引了第一批用户,这些用户大多是对 AI 技术和创意图像有浓厚兴趣的创作者。在反馈的基础上,Ideogram AI 的团队不断更新和改进,推出了支持复杂指令的图像生成功能。随着时间的推移,平台新增了多种风格选择和高级细节控制功能,为用户提供了更多创意空间和多样化的图像输出。

Ideogram AI 发展至今,已经成为了 AI 艺术创作领域的标杆之一,其算法的优化、风格多样性的扩展和用户体验的提升,使其受到了众多创作者和设计师的青睐。今天的 Ideogram AI 不仅是一个图像生成工具,更是一个创意孵化平台,帮助无数创作者将想象力和创意轻松转化为可视化作品。

四、Ideogram AI的版本历史

Ideogram AI 自发布以来,历经多个重要版本的迭代。最初的版本仅提供基本的文本到图像生成功能,但团队迅速意识到用户对细节和风格控制的需求。此后,通过多个版本的更新,Ideogram AI 增加了风格选择、细节控制、质量调整等多项功能。当前的版本能够为用户提供更精确、更具表现力的图像生成能力,满足了不同应用场景的需求。

在 V2 版本中,Ideogram AI 大幅度提升了生成图像的分辨率,并优化了图像细节处理,使得图像更加自然和真实。V3 版本引入了更多的风格选项,如复古、幻想、未来等,为用户提供了多种创意方向。随后发布的 V4 版本,进一步改进了生成速度和图像的稳定性,让用户能够在更短的时间内得到满意的输出。

最新版本的 Ideogram AI 实现了跨领域的图像生成能力,不仅在绘画和设计中表现出色,还支持广告、插画等多种实际应用场景。版本更新不仅反映了团队对技术的专注和创新精神,也展现了对用户需求的深刻理解。通过持续优化和改进,Ideogram AI 不断推动着 AI 创意图像生成技术的发展,为用户提供了越来越丰富的视觉创作体验。

Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
Red-gold snake, cherry blossom whirlpool, anime style, bright red, gold, festive atmosphere, warm dream, traditional cloud pattern, pink splash ink, rich details, fantasy effect

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A 12K high definition 3D render illustration of a large wolf made of white snow, emerging from the ground. A photorealistic wolf with blue eyes and multicolored glowing fur is walking forward on a long, curvy road in a snowy island. The wolf is walking on the sparkling snowy road. The background contains pine trees and a midnight sky with stars and a moon, and a few clouds. The wind is blowing, causing the wolf's multicolored glowing fur to swirl and the leaves of a nearby tree to sway. A calligraphy style name '' is written in signature font at the bottom of the image made of snowflakes.

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中文自动翻译为英文:一张12 K高清3D渲染插图,描绘了一只由白雪制成的巨狼,从地下冒出来。一只拥有蓝色眼睛和五彩发光皮毛的逼真狼正在白雪皑皑的岛屿上一条蜿蜒的漫长道路上向前行走。狼走在波光粼粼的雪地路上。背景包括松树和午夜的天空,有星星和月亮,还有一些云。风吹来,狼五彩发光的皮毛旋转,附近一棵树的叶子摇曳。雪花制成的图像底部以签名字体写着书法风格名称“”。
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A surreal and dreamlike image of a parachutist freefalling through a cosmic sky filled with a radiant swirl of galaxies and nebulae. The parachute opens to reveal an expansive tapestry of constellations, with stars twinkling like jewels against the backdrop of deep space. The parachutist is aiming for a floating island made of clouds, with elements of different fantasy realms—waterfalls of bright colors, trees dripping with glowing fruit, and whimsical creatures peeking out curiously. The background contains planets and comets. The overall scene captures a sense of wonder and exploration.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
high quality watercolor with strong and bright colors of an old brown boot with lavender flowers. white background

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A mischievous ninja in midnight black traditional Chinese attire, golden accessories, stealthy stance, holding a phoenix-patterned kunai, mesmerizing eyes, palms edge lighten by gentle pink fire, epic air and lightning and forest bending shot, Gustatory-Auditory Synesthesia art, super high detail

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
artistic, rough painting art, extreme skate mountain, speed down hill, pro skateboarder, long board, the scene following the back, black helmet, loose white color T-shirt, denim jogger pants and black knee pads, red color protective gloves, Nike SB skate shoes, fluttering dust, professional artwork, sense of speed, the mountain with canyons and nature

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中文自动翻译为英文:艺术、粗糙的绘画艺术、极限滑板山、速降山坡、职业滑板手、长板、背后场景、黑色头盔、宽松白色T恤、牛仔慢跑裤和黑色护膝、红色防护手套、Nike SB滑板鞋、飞扬的灰尘、专业艺术品、速度感、峡谷与自然的山
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A cinematic illustration of a 3-year-old chibi fairy named KZ with adorable features. She sits atop a sand sculpture with her name on it. Her delicate wings flutter with every gentle breeze. She is adorned with a butterfly and colorful flowers, adding to her otherworldly beauty. The serene beach of a small lake in a park surrounded by large fir trees is bathed in the warm glow of a mesmerizing sunset, with waves gently caressing the shore. The shallow depth of field and aperture priority mode give the scene a dreamlike quality, while the wide-angle lens captures the enchanting atmosphere in all its glory. This breathtaking 3D illustration immerses the viewer in the magical world of the fairytale lake in KZ Park, weaving a story of wonder and adventure.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A radiant, voluptuous Black woman reclines in an ornate vintage bathtub set in a vast, arid desert landscape. The tub is brimming with pristine white rose petals, completely covering the woman's body up to her neck, preserving her modesty. Only her shoulders, neck, and head are visible above the sea of petals. The desert background features expansive stretches of golden sand dunes interspersed with unique rock formations. Towering painted rocks in the distance exhibit vibrant colors ranging from deep reds to bright oranges and yellows, shaped by erosion over time. The brilliant blue sky transitions into a canvas of oranges, pinks, and purples as the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape. Sparse vegetation, including resilient cacti and hardy shrubs, dot the background, providing context without overshadowing the main subject. Subtle hints of desert wildlife are suggested through distant silhouettes of birds soaring overhead.

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中文自动翻译为英文:一位容光焕发、性感的黑人妇女躺在广阔干旱的沙漠景观中的华丽复古浴缸中。浴缸里铺满了纯净的白色玫瑰花瓣,完全覆盖了女人的身体直到脖子,保持了她的谦虚。在花瓣海洋之上,只能看到她的肩膀、脖子和头。 沙漠背景以广阔的金色沙丘为特色,点缀着独特的岩层。远处高耸的彩绘岩石呈现出鲜艳的色彩,从深红色到亮橙色和黄色,这些色彩随着时间的推移而形成。当太阳开始落山时,灿烂的蓝天转变为橙色、粉色和紫色的画布,在风景上投下温暖的光芒。 稀疏的植被,包括坚韧的仙人掌和耐寒的灌木,点缀在背景上,提供了背景,而不会掩盖主要主题。从头顶翱翔的鸟儿的远处轮廓,暗示着沙漠野生动物的微妙暗示。
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A dark fantasy illustration of a mysterious woman with a captivating aura. The woman's black and white portrait features striking blue eyes, which appear to be dripping with black ink, adding a surreal and otherworldly touch. Her vivid red lips contrast the monochrome tones of her face, drawing attention to her strong features. In her arms, she cradles a black and white cat with striking blue eyes, symbolizing a connection or duality between the two. The background is adorned with fragments of text, possibly from a book or newspaper, adding depth and intrigue to the scene. The overall composition exudes a dark, fashionable, and enigmatic atmosphere.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A captivating vintage-inspired cinematic photograph that embodies love and affection with a radiant rainbow-colored rose at the center. The rose, adorned with delicate water droplets, shimmers under soft, warm lighting. A wooden plaque with the name "" engraved in elegant black cursive font sits prominently in the foreground. The rustic, weathered background complements the serene atmosphere, evoking a timeless tale of enduring love. The cinematic elements, such as dreamy soft focus and dramatic lighting, create a romantic enchantment and eternal beauty, transporting the viewer into a world of timeless devotion, typography included., cinematic, typography, photo

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A powerful scene of a lion sitting on an elegant throne, dressed in a stylish white suit and sunglasses. The lion exudes confidence and pride, with an expression that highlights its strength and majesty. In its hand, it holds the globe (universe) in a way that signifies control and influence. The background is a luxurious boardroom or a space that reflects authority, with dim lighting that adds a mysterious atmosphere. Surrounding the lion are a group of people looking at it with admiration, illustrating the idea that they are in need of its leadership and wisdom.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A 3D render of the name "" intricately crafted from vivid red rose petals, sepals, and leaves. The elegant lettering stands out against a delicate soft pink background, creating a romantic and enchanting atmosphere. The background features a subtle gradient effect, adding depth and dimension to the design. A single, vibrant red rose lies beside the name, its stem wrapped with a delicate ribbon, adding a touch of sophistication to the delicate arrangement. The overall image exudes love, tenderness, and passion, making it an ideal choice for expressing deep affection or admiration.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A photo of a woman wearing a gown with a fractal pattern. The gown has a deep iridescent hue and is adorned with metallic embroidery. The fractal pattern is also present on the sleeves and the base of the skirt. The woman is wearing a necklace with fractal-shaped jewels. The background is dark.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A 3d render of a t-shirt with a vector graffiti street art design. The central typography reads "Photo Color Lab" in a messy, eye-catching font. The words are written in green and red gradient. The background features a plain background. The design is further enhanced with bold graffiti elements, giving it a modern and edgy appeal.

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中文自动翻译为英文:带有载体涂鸦街头艺术设计的T恤的3D渲染。中央字体以凌乱、引人注目的字体写着“Photo Color Lab”。文字以绿色和红色渐变写。背景以朴素的背景为特色。该设计进一步增强了大胆的涂鸦元素,赋予其现代和前卫的吸引力。
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A high-quality photo of a woman's face with natural skin. The background is a red and orange gradient. The photo is zoomed in on the woman's face.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A visionary design of a gown with the concept of transformation and layered meaning. The gown is a wearable masterpiece that combines art, language, and optical illusion. The bodice is structured with intricate tessellations of the word "future," interwoven in 180° rotational symmetry. The sleeves extend outward in elongated, geometric shapes that mimic a 120° symmetry. The skirt unfolds in panels arranged with tessellations oriented in four directions. As the wearer moves, new patterns emerge, capturing the viewer's attention with a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A mysterious woman with pale skin and intense, glowing amber eyes. She is wearing a dark lace veil that shrouds her face partially. A crescent moon symbol glows on her forehead, casting an ethereal light. A full moon shines in the misty background. Her attire is gothic and elaborate, with a high lace collar and a delicate pendant hanging down her chest. The atmosphere around her is dark and mystical, with thick fog swirling to add a haunting, supernatural vibe.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
n the dystopian cyberpunk cityscape of "Forest Inferno" (2025), a striking hyper-maximalist portrait captures the intense moment of a mysterious Caucasian female forest firefighter. Her loose black hair and dark eyes convey determination as she leaps through the flames, individual wearing goggles that reflect a breathtaking forest scene. The goggles reveal a vibrant backdrop of towering trees and a radiant sky, while the person's face remains partially obscured, revealing only their lips and nose.. The background is enchanted with glowing orange orbs, resembling fireflies or light particles, creating an atmosphere of mystique and wonder.dressed in firefighter attire and combat boots. Amidst the torrential downpour of the raging forest fire, she navigates the crumbling environment with grace and agility, as a tree falls ominously behind her. The chaotic backdrop features an atmospheric cityscape, with embers and ash swirling amid the burning forest. The 8K resolution and intricate details create a breathtaking, immersive cinematic experience. The subject's bold, otherworldly attire is accentuated by the contrasting rain and burning surroundings

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A striking digital painting masterpiece by T.Mann NYC, seamlessly blending hyper-realistic illustration with abstract art. A black and pink haired of a young woman A portrait of a young woman with vibrant black and pink hair that flows freely. She has striking green blue eyes and is adorned jewelry . The woman wears a white tank top and a silver necklace. The background is an abstract mix of colors, predominantly pink and gray, with splatters and brush strokes that give it an artistic and chaotic feel.A woman with striking features, including pale skin, intense blue green eyes, and dark lipstick.background is abstract with splashes of white, giving the artwork a mystical and ethereal feel.

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中文自动翻译为英文:T.Mann NYC的一部引人注目的数字绘画杰作,将超现实插图与抽象艺术无缝地融合在一起。一位年轻女子的黑色和粉色头发一位年轻女子的肖像,她拥有充满活力的黑色和粉色头发,自由流动。她有一双引人注目的绿蓝色眼睛,戴着珠宝。该女子穿着白色背心和银色项链。背景是抽象的色彩混合,主要是粉红色和灰色,飞溅和笔触给人一种艺术和混乱的感觉。一个有着引人注目的特征的女人,包括苍白的皮肤、强烈的蓝绿色眼睛和深色的口红。背景是抽象的白色飞溅,给艺术品一种神秘而空灵的感觉。
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A walnut wood sculpture of a breathtaking cosmic painting featuring two intricate animal figures in a tender embrace. At the bottom is a text: “Merci beaucoup Dinem“, written in golden white cartoon style. The wolf figure on the left features a galaxy-inspired pattern adorning its head, while the fox figure on the right has a celestial body, resembling a planet, embedded within its head. The surrounding area is filled with celestial elements, including planets, stars, and nebulae, adding depth and texture to the scene. The vibrant color palette of blues, purples, and oranges captures the essence of the cosmos, creating a mesmerizing and immersive experience. The sculpture is polished to a high shine.

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中文自动翻译为英文:一座胡桃木雕塑,描绘了一幅令人惊叹的宇宙画作,画中有两个错综复杂的动物形象,温柔地拥抱着。底部是一条文字:“Merci beaucoup Dinem”,用金色白色卡通风格写成。左边的狼雕像的头部装饰着银河系图案,而右边的狐狸雕像的头部嵌有一个类似行星的天体。周围区域充满了天体元素,包括行星、恒星和云层,为场景增加了深度和纹理。充满活力的蓝色、紫色和橙色调色板捕捉到了宇宙的本质,创造出令人着迷和身临其境的体验。雕塑被抛光得闪闪发光。
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A close-up illustration of a ghost and skeleton with a flowing mane, clutching their faces and screaming, mouth open. The ghost has large, beautiful eyes and an exaggerated facial expression. The skeleton is wearing a tattered robe. The background is a haunted mansion with a full moon. The text "Halloween's coming soon." is written above the ghost and skeleton.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A white image of a woman with intricate sugar skull makeup on her face. She is wearing a wide-brimmed hat decorated with red roses and other floral motifs. The woman has tattoos on her neck and face, and her long, flowing black hair is entwined with red roses with their green leaves. The overall color palette is rich, with dominant shades of red, black, and white, and the artwork exudes a mix of traditional and modern aesthetics. The image is entirely white. At the bottom of the image, the name "Migdalia" is written in artistic, intricate black lettering.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A comprehensive knowledge of how to formulate thought-provoking AI art prompts is essential for the art world. Explore various AI art prompt ideas and themes to ignite creativity and innovation. Learn about diverse artistic genres that can effectively cater to AI art prompts. Acquire insights from community examples to enrich your AI prompt creation process. Adapt a full-circle approach by bringing AI-generated masterpieces to life using Gelato's print services, making art both digitally progressive and physically tangible.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A 3D render of a Halloween-themed artwork with the text "Buenas Noches" written in spooky golden-blue, orange metallic lettering. The text is surrounded by intricate swirling patterns, brilliant hearts in various sizes, Halloween-themed flowers like roses, carnations, lilys, and small Halloween elements such as pumpkins, skulls, and spider webs. A cute Tweety Bird from Looney Tunes wearing a Halloween-style hat adorned with a small glowing bat stands nearby. The artwork is filled with various shapes that add depth and dimension. The composition is positioned to the right. Rich, vibrant colors make the design and details stand out beautifully against a muted dark purple-orange background. The deep dark colors highlight the central elements.

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中文自动翻译为英文:以格林为主题的艺术作品的3D渲染,文本“Insias Noches”以怪异的金蓝色、橙色金属字体书写。文本周围环绕着错综复杂的漩涡图案、各种大小的灿烂心形、玫瑰、康乃馨、百合等万圣节主题花卉,以及南瓜、头骨和蜘蛛网等万圣节小元素。一只来自Looney Buttons的可爱的Tweety Bird戴着一顶格林风格的帽子,上面装饰着一只发光的小蝙蝠。艺术作品充满了各种形状,增加了深度和维度。构图位于右侧。丰富、充满活力的色彩使设计和细节在柔和的深紫橙色背景中脱颖而出。深深色凸显了中心元素。
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A captivating portrait of a young woman with a striking resemblance to a classic Roger Dean artwork. The woman has long, wavy black hair and wears a colorful, intricate headdress with feathers and beads. She has a gentle smile, and her eyes hold an air of mystery. The background features a dreamy, surreal landscape with floating islands, a serene lake, and lush forests. The overall atmosphere is enchanting and otherworldly, evoking a sense of wonder and exploration.

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A captivating and vibrant landscape painting that captures the essence of a warm and tranquil day. The focal point is a lush arrangement of beautiful orange roses, sitting on a wooden plaque that reads "BUEN DIA A TODOS" in large, elegant letters. The background presents a picturesque scene of rolling hills, a clear blue sky, and a breathtaking sunset. The gentle rays of the setting sun cast a golden hue over the scene, creating a sense of calm and love. The overall atmosphere is inviting, with the rich colors and textures of the roses and the serene landscape blending harmoniously., 3d render, wildlife photography, vibrant, conceptual art

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中文自动翻译为英文:一幅迷人而充满活力的风景画,捕捉到了温暖宁静的一天的本质。焦点是郁郁葱葱的美丽橙色玫瑰,坐落在一块木制牌匾上,上面用优雅的大字母写着“BUEN DIA A TO多斯”。背景呈现出连绵起伏的山丘、清澈的蓝天和令人惊叹的日落的风景如画。夕阳柔和的光线为场景投下了金色的色调,营造出一种平静和爱的感觉。整体氛围诱人,玫瑰花丰富的色彩和纹理与宁静的风景和谐地融为一体。3D渲染、野生动物摄影、充满活力的概念艺术
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A 3D render photo of a red high-heeled shoe with a thin and elegant heel. The shoe is placed on a transparent glass bottle of perfume. Next to the shoe is a red rose. There's a red hat with a large brim, adorned with roses, leaning against the shoe. The hat has a black ribbon with a jewel. The background is a white surface. The hat has the name "AIMEE".

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Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A highly detailed digital artwork portrays a complex, futuristic composition. A female cyborg stands in front of a camera. Her image is split into two distinct sides: one side captures her true self, a Japanese woman with symmetrical, expressive eyes, brown hair tied in a low ponytail, and natural, nuanced beauty, while the other side features her digital persona, revealing intricate circuitry and digital elements embedded within her design. She wears a meticulously detailed high school uniform. The background merges calm and chaotic elements. The artwork has ultra-high 32k UHD resolution, with rich textures, immaculate detailing, and a cohesive design achieved through brilliant lighting and depth.

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中文自动翻译为英文:高度详细的数字艺术作品描绘了复杂的、未来主义的构图。一名女性机器人站在镜头前。她的形象被分成两个不同的方面:一面捕捉了她的真实自我,一位日本女性,有对称、富有表情的眼睛,棕色头发扎成低马尾辫,具有自然、细致入微的美感,而另一面则以她的数字形象为特色,揭示了她设计中嵌入的复杂电路和数字元素。她穿着一件精心设计的高中校服。背景融合了平静与混乱的元素。该艺术品具有超高的32 k UHD分辨率,具有丰富的纹理、完美的细节以及通过辉煌的灯光和深度实现的凝聚力设计。
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A cinematic medium shot of a radiant dark red rose with drops of sparkling water. The rose is sitting on sand. There is a wooden letter with the name "Familia Toledo Bermúdez" written in an intricate and romantic cursive font. The background is rustic and worn. The image has dreamy soft focus and spectacular lighting.

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中文自动翻译为英文:这是一张电影中镜头,一朵闪闪发光的深红色玫瑰,滴上闪闪发光的水。玫瑰坐在沙子上。有一封木信,上面写着“Familia Toledo Bermúdez”,用复杂而浪漫的草书字体写成。背景质朴且破旧。该图像具有梦幻般的软焦和壮观的灯光。
Ideogram Bot 2025-02-07 10:19
A photo of a group of apes with shocked expressions watching a big screen. The screen displays an astronaut walking in front of a large power station. The title "YOUR FUTURE" is displayed at the bottom.

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